Whereas, it is well recognized that the Planet Earth is a highly unique celestial entity of nearly incomprehensible wonder and intricacy, complexity and beauty, and...
Whereas, among the inhabitants of this world there are conditions and circumstances that can be harmful and detrimental to the general welfare of all, and...
Whereas, the freedom to determine goals that benefit all and to act in ways and manners that will further the attainment of those goals is recognized as an inherent right, as well as, a moral and ethical basic obligation of existence, and...
Whereas, the joining with others who willingly and intentionally agree to support and share in the efforts to do good by others and by this planet is recognized as a means of bringing about more good for all beings and creations, it is...
Therefore and hereby established, the Star Alpha One organization team members, supporters and participants pledge to hold foremost and utmost the commitment and dedication to practicing kindness, compassion, honesty, and altruism in all relations with others, and to protecting, preserving and benefiting all manner of life on this the planet that we call home.